Start your fundraiser

The first step in starting your fundraising journey is just that – starting your fundraiser. Once you’ve created your HelpandKind account you’ll need to

How to?

Set your fundraiser goal

We will implement a donor protection guarantee that will guard you against any fraud by implementing stringent KYC and AML measures.

Tell your story

We intend to help families and communities get back on their feet quickly.

Add a relevant picture or video

We developed a platform that is easier for anyone to set up a fund-raising campaign, share this info to friends and families and get the funds quickly.

Set your fundraiser live

Share your story far and wide over email, text, and social media.

Share with friends

An important part of any successful fundraising journey is sharing your page with anyone you can – friends, colleagues, neighbours! Thankfully in this day and age, the existence of the internet and social media makes this far easier – but don’t forget the value of good old-fashioned posters (with a bit of QR code magic!).

Make use of those group chats and send the link to as many as you can.
Harness the power of social media with regular tweets, Instagram stories and Facebook posts.

When you’ve got your fundraiser link, email it out to whoever you can! Do a round-robin for your family and friends with an introduction as to why you’re fundraising.

Make a Difference Today! Start Your Fundraising Campaign and Bring Your Vision to Life
—Get Started Now!